A curated membership for growth-oriented entrepreneurs.

Membership Agreement

InnerFifth, LLC Membership for Elite Entrepreneur Women & Allies Terms of Purchase / Program Agreement and Code Of Conduct

This Agreement sets forth the terms of purchase for your purchase from InnerFifth, LLC, ( d/b/a “InnerFifth” / “We” / “Us”).

By placing your Order with InnerFifth, LLC (the “Company”), by clicking “accept,” or by using the Services, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms, you should leave the Company website or the applicable purchase page and discontinue use of the Services immediately.

In these terms of purchase, “We/us/our/ InnerFifth” means InnerFifth, LLC “You/your” means you as a user of the Website and/or Customer of the Program/Services.

1. The Services. The Company provides Membership Programs, (hereinafter the “Program” or “Services”), which are elite invite-only memberships designed to support women entrepreneurs. The Program include a variety of live events, networking, masterminding, access to in person and virtual live trainings, and online forums that accompany the Program. The structure of the Program may be changed or updated to improve and/or evolve the Program to meet the needs of its members. If the Program includes an online component or Membership site access, you will use a unique username and password that should only be used by you to access the Content. Sharing log-in information, call-in numbers, passwords, and protected links with non-members is prohibited and will result in removal from the Services.

Participation in the Program is also conditioned upon completion of an applicant interview with our InnerFifth Advocate, submitting your application, and meeting certain financial criteria and qualifications, completion of and successful score on the Mindset Assessment Scorecard (an assessment designed to measure mindset and help us vet members for appropriate Program fit), and acknowledging your agreement with these terms, (which requires agreement to and compliance with the Company’s Membership Code of Conduct (below), which is incorporated by reference herein.

  • InnerFifth General Membership: This is an annual membership (at price listed on Sales page) to an invite-only curated group of entrepreneurs that support female entrepreneurship where members are growth mindset oriented and assessment qualified; includes access to network of female entrepreneurs and their allies; invite only access to the InnerFifth MemberUp Portal; includes invitations to in-person InnerFifth socials and Taste of InnerFifth events; exclusive invites to panels & events for general membership; access to newsletter with a member focus; access to Private WhatsApp group for general members to gain instant access to information or leads needed for growth; access to monthly “Power Hour” calls; pay to play bucket list trips (for general and elite members)
  • InnerFifth Elite, including Honorary and Alumni Member Options: This is an annual membership (at price(s) listed on Sales page) to an invite-only curated group of entrepreneurs that support female entrepreneurship where members are growth mindset oriented and assessment qualified; includes access to network of female entrepreneurs and their allies; invite only access to the InnerFifth MemberUp Portal; includes invitations to in-person InnerFifth socials and Taste of InnerFifth events; exclusive invites to panels & events for Elite Membership only; access to Growth Mindset-based Curriculum and Monthly Personal Performance-Based Transformational Work (including Welcome Intention Box, book series, newsletter focused on next-level growth, and monthly calls with access to thought leaders; access to Private WhatsApp group for Elite Members to gain instant access to information or leads needed for growth; support from an Accountability Buddy for measurable performance and growth; access to InnerFifth Roadmap and Fast-Track growth strategies; access to Elite member-hosted dinners that are topic-led; includes ONE annual, 3-day in-person intensive (offered Spring & Fall) with pay to play access to second intensive; access to ½ day in-service days focused on intention setting and accountability (as available); personal introductions and access to InnerFifth Allies and Board Members; pay to play bucket list trips & special events which are offered to Elite members only; limited membership options available in Elite Membership – one at capacity, a waitlist is established until the next enrollment period.

2. Founding Member (Los Angeles) Payment / Membership Fee.
Payment is required to commence the Program, and may be a one-time fee, or multiple payment option as applicable. You agree to comply with the payment terms, and abide by any timelines applicable to your payment schedule, as indicated on the Sales page or your Order form. The Company is not responsible for any overdraft charges, over limit charges, or NSF fees charged by your bank or credit card company. Failure to make any payment agreed will result in suspension or termination of the Program or Services. The Company does not guarantee any specific results from use of the Program or Services. The Company does not guarantee, or make any representations or warranties as to specific outcomes or results.

“Founding Member” membership is currently open to founding members in Los Angeles. (More locations to follow).

Membership is an annual, non-refundable commitment and even if on a payment plan, Members are obligated to pay the full amount of the services.

“Hold Your Spot” Deposit. We require a “hold your spot” deposit (in the amount indicated on the enrollment page) for those applicants who have not yet taken the Mindset Assessment Scorecard. If the assessment is taken, and the applicant passes, the deposit is applied to the total payment for membership (in accordance with your selected payment option). If the applicant does not pass the Mindset Assessment, the applicant’s deposit will be refunded to the applicant within 2 weeks of providing notice of applicant’s results.

Renewal. 30 days prior to the end of the initial term for the Program (which is 365 days from the date you join which requires completion of all ), your renewal fee which is equivalent to the then-current annual membership fee is due. Should you wish to cancel your membership, you must provide us with written notice at least 30 days prior to the renewal date (or 60 days prior to the end of your initial term). Due to necessary restrictions on the number of members that may participate in this Program, if you decide at any time not to renew under the terms of this Agreement, any later renewal shall be subject to availability and shall require completing the full application process again. Acceptance (following later renewal) is not guaranteed. We may determine in our sole discretion not to permit renewal in our Services if we feel for any reason our Services are not a fit for your needs or requirements, if we have limited spots in our Services, or if we are discontinuing any Program or Service.

3. Refund Policy. No refunds for the Program are available at this time. Please ensure that the Program suits the purpose for which you desire to use it before purchasing. If you decide not to continue your membership beyond the initial term, you must provide written notice at least 30 days in advance of the Membership renewal date which renewal will occur 30 days prior to the end of the term. No refunds will be provided for prior months, but upon cancellation, no subsequent payments will be due or processed.

4. Term. The term for the Program is 365 days from the date you join. which includes indicating agreement with these terms and submitting payment), and will be automatically renewed unless you provide written notice in accordance with these terms. You must remain a member in good standing as outlined in the Membership Code of Conduct, (below), and incorporated herein, in order to complete the term as a member, or to renew. Failure to pay for the Program consistent with the Program requirements, or a breach of Program requirements including the Membership Code of Conduct will result in termination of the Program prior to the end of the applicable term, and your access to the Program and Program materials will be discontinued.

5. (General) Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement. In summary, you are free to speak, write and share about your own experiences from the Program, but you agree to keep all information shared by others and all proprietary or Confidential information shared by the Company confidential, including all information shared by others inside of the on-line community or forum associated with the Program. This provision specifically applies to and includes content shared within the membership course or platform, where applicable, and any private LinkedIn, Facebook, or Whatsapp group, or similar forum if used. If you have any questions about the applicability of this provision, please contact us via email at members@innerfifth.com.

“Confidential Information” shall include, without limitation, (i) the identity of and personal financial information regarding any of the members, (ii), the business, financial, and operational information, data, ideas or other information of InnerFifth and any of the members, (iv) any method, product, process, program or software designed for or used by InnerFifth, or any document, other writing or instrument, memorandum, notes, recordings or other creation concerning the business dealings of InnerFifth and any of the members. Confidential Information also includes messages, posts, content, information and any and all other materials (the “Materials”) posted to online forums, groups, a Company website or other locations related to the InnerFifth Membership Program. By accessing these forums, groups or other online (or offline) locations related to the InnerFifth Membership Program, the Member shall be deemed to grant the Company the right to post, display, copy and modify the Content in connection with the operation of the forum, group, or online locations including the Company website. Confidential Information will not, however, include any information that was publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party.

6. Trade Secrets. “Trade Secret” means any information, including any method, product, process, program or software designed for or used by InnerFifth, or any document, other writing or instrument, memorandum, notes, recordings or other creation concerning the business dealings of InnerFifth, and any of the members that (i) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.

7. Use of Confidential Information by InnerFifth. The Member acknowledges and agrees that during the course of the relationship between the Parties, InnerFifth, together with its owners, agents, affiliates, officers, directors, attorneys, advisors, managers, employees or anyone else acting on behalf of InnerFifth, (together, for purposes of this paragraph “InnerFifth”), may gain and collect information about Member and other members. The Member also acknowledges that InnerFifth may disclose aggregated information about the Member, including (without limitation) aggregated financial statistics for marketing purposes; provided however, InnerFifth shall not share Confidential Information for marketing purposes which identifies the Member individually (or could be used to identify the Member individually) without Member’s prior consent.

8. Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement regarding Company Intellectual Property. All materials provided to you as part of your Program or Services which are the subject of this Agreement are proprietary and may not be duplicated, copied, reproduced, published or displayed in any form without the prior express written permission of the Company. You may not re-use, perform, modify, transmit, re-post or use in any way the content or any derivative works thereof, without the prior express written permission of the Company. All trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on any materials provided as part of your Program or Services under this Agreement are protected by U.S. and International copyright and Intellectual Property laws. Access to any materials or content online or otherwise as part of the Program or Services subject to this Agreement should not be construed as granting any license or right to duplicate said content, including trademarks, logos and service marks of the Company or any third-party.

9. Use of Confidential Information by Member. You shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose except to evaluate and engage in discussions and interactions as part of the InnerFifth Membership, including (without limitation) at any meetings or events. You shall not disclose the Confidential Information to third parties including to your employees and agents without the prior written approval of InnerFifth, which approval may be withheld in InnerFifth’s sole discretion, and shall, in all instances, required that you ensure that your employees and agents are made aware and will comply with the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement. You shall use the utmost care when referring to Confidential Information outside of an InnerFifth meeting or event that has been disclosed by InnerFifth or any member, and you will ensure that written or recorded Confidential Information disclosed to you may not be viewed by any other parties. The only exceptions to this provision is if you are required by court order to disclose such information, so long as you provide prompt written notice immediately of such requirement prior to any disclosure, and provide the parties involved ample time to seek a motion for protective order, and then only make such disclosure in strict accordance with the terms of any such order.

10. Maintenance of Confidentiality and Privacy. You agree to take effective and best measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree to take at least those measures that a reasonable person would take to protect his own information. In addition, you shall not sell or rent or otherwise disseminate any member’s personal information, including (without limitation) names and contact details, to third parties without such member’s prior express written consent.

11. Term of Confidentiality. You agree that during your membership, you will acquire and have access to InnerFifth and other members’ Confidential Information and Trade Secrets. You shall hold in strictest confidence all Confidential Information and Trade Secrets of all Parties and shall not directly or indirectly disclose, publish, or make use of at any time such information during and after the membership, in perpetuity, so long as the information remains Confidential or a Trade Secret.


13. Term of Services. This Agreement will be effective consistent with the term indicated on your Order form or Order page. Failure to pay for the Program or Services consistent with the program requirements will result in termination of the Program prior to the end of the applicable term, and your access to Program materials or ongoing Services will be discontinued. Additional fees may be accrued in the event you continue to access the Program website or continue to use the Services after any failure to pay for said services.

14. Communications. The online community associated with the Program is intended to be a supportive, respectful and positive community for all involved. Communicating disrespectfully to any other members of the group (or violating the Membership Code of Conduct, below) constitutes grounds for removal from the Program and any associated online forum, which decision shall be in the sole discretion of the Company.

15. Media Release & Consent. Without expectation of compensation or remuneration, now or in the future, You give your consent to the Company to capture and include your image, likeness, and voice, in photographic, video or audio recordings created during the Program, Services or Company Event, all of which may be used for any commercial purpose, including future marketing or advertising purposes without limitation. You acknowledge that all recordings (of any format) are the property of InnerFifth, and you waive any right to inspect or approve of the recordings, or any modifications or revisions thereto. You further agree that you will refrain from any offensive or distasteful remarks or conduct and will conduct yourself in a courteous and professional manner at all times during your participation at InnerFifth events, whether in-person or virtual.

16. Data Scraping Prohibited. Data scraping or data mining of any kind from the Company’s website, or from any platforms, groups, or online forums operated by the Company is strictly prohibited. Copying, removing, or otherwise scraping data, information or content, regardless of the reason, from the website, or from any platform, group, or online forum operated by the Company is a violation of these Terms and will result in your immediate removal from any program services offered by the Company, including from within any platforms, groups, or online forums associated with those services, without refund or recourse, which decision shall be in the sole discretion of the Company.

17. Disclaimer. USE OF THE PROGRAM OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY CONTENT PROVIDED THEREIN IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. The Company and its employees, representatives and agents are not responsible for any physical or non-physical damages imagined, perceived, or otherwise sustained as a result of the use of the Program or Services or any content provided as part of the Program or Services. The Services and Program are provided for educational and informational purposes only, and you bear sole responsibility for the use and implementation of these services in your personal or professional life. You are free to reject any advice, suggestions or requests made during the Program at any time. You understand that Company is not a financial analyst or expert, entity expert, employment agent, business manager, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist. Company has not promised and shall not be obligated to procure or attempt to procure employment, business, or sales for you, perform business management functions such as accounting services, advice on tax matters, or the investment of funds, and will not act as therapist or provide counseling or psychoanalysis, group therapy, behavioral therapy, or provide medical advice or services. From time to time, Experts or Professionals may be introduced to the Members and the Company does not guarantee the accuracy of, or endorse the opinions or views, whether written or orally expressed, of any professionals or other presenters that are introduced to the Members. We shall not be liable for any errors or omissions or inaccuracies related to the representations made by such professionals, presenters or third-party experts, nor for any actions or inactions taken following the presentation of such information. The Company is also not responsible for the actions of any other Members that may impact you, including any Member’s breach of this Agreement or the Membership Code of Conduct. You are advised to conduct due diligence before undertaking the Services to make sure it is a fit for you. You are further advised to conduct due diligence before entering into any business arrangements with any other Member or any third-party introduced to you through the Program or Services and agree to hold us harmless for any business arrangement that does not achieve the expected results. You further understand that there are no guarantees as to the progress or outcomes that may result from the Services and that You are responsible for the results you achieve.


18. Live Event Disclaimer. USE OF OR PARTICIPATION IN ANY EVENT ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROGRAM OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY CONTENT PROVIDED THEREIN IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. The Company and its representatives are not responsible for any physical or non-physical damages imagined, perceived, or otherwise sustained as a result of the use of the Services, the Facility hosting the Event, the online software or platform (for any online events), or any information or content provided as part of the Event, including information provided by 3rd party presenters or other experts. The Services provided through the Event are provided for educational and informational purposes only, and You bear sole responsibility for the use and implementation of these Services in your life. You are free to reject any advice, suggestions or requests made during the Event at any time. There are no guarantees as to the progress or outcomes that may result from the Services and You are responsible for the results You achieve. You agree that we are not, nor shall ever be, liable to You or anyone else for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or any other damages arising out of your participation in the Event, including due to the actions, statements or behavior of any third parties or other participants, or conditions of the host Facility. Notwithstanding anything contrary in this Agreement, at all times damages shall be limited to the amount paid, if any, by You to the Company for the Services provided through the Event.

19. Earnings Disclaimer. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the website or by the Company, including in the program, regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only, and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. Please note that the stated results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavor, results may vary, and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through the Company should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Company (including its agents, representatives, sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal life or business.

20. Damage Waiver & Limitation of Liability. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall we be liable to you or anyone else for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages under this Agreement, arising out of your participation in the Services including due to the actions, statements or behavior of any third parties or participants of the Services. This provision applies even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Company’s liability to you for any cause whatsoever and regardless of the form of action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to the Company for the services during the term of the Program.

21. Indemnification & Release Forms. Member shall fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless Company (including Company’s agents, representatives, officers, managers, employees or assigns) for any claims, liability, damages, losses, harm, costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses, or any other detriment incurred by Member or Member’s family members, guests or invitees, caused by a) your or their participation in Company’s Services or Events, b) your or their breach of any terms of this Agreement or the Membership Code of Conduct, c) the violation of any law or regulation or the rights of a third party while participating in the Program or Event, or d) relying upon or taking action based on the Services or information presented arising out of the Program or any Company Event including the Services or information presented by any third party as part of the Program or any Company Event. Member is fully responsible for making her own decisions, including while a participant of the Services, and Member’s individual responsibility includes determining the appropriateness or applicability of any support or information received in the course of the Program or Services as suitable for the purposes for which Member desires to use it. To be clear, Member agrees that Company will not be held responsible for any decisions made by Member during or following the Services. Company reserves the right to employ separate counsel and assume the exclusive defense and control of the settlement and disposition of any claim that is subject to indemnification by Member. Notwithstanding, in each specific case, the foregoing indemnity shall not apply to the extent of Company’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

Further, Member agrees that for any invitees or guests that are permitted to attend any Company Event, such invitees or guests shall be required to execute separate Event Release & Waiver(s) including a Media Release and other releases as necessary, which may be changed in the sole discretion of Company from time to time.

22. Relationship. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed to create a joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship of any kind.

23. Default by Member. You shall be in default of this Agreement and subject to removal from the Program or Services (in addition to any other relief or remedy we may have at law or equity), in the following circumstances: a) you fail to pay the Membership Fee(s) when due; b) you violate any term or condition of this Agreement, including the Confidentiality provisions, or fail to abide by all requirements in the Membership Code of Conduct, below, c) you file for bankruptcy or are declared bankrupt either individually or on behalf of any operating entity in which you are a principal owner, d) you are charged by a governmental authority with a felony; or e) you become the subject of public disrepute, contempt, scandal, or adversely affect the Company or any Members or Parties involved with the Program or Services by virtual of your affiliation with us, which decision shall be made in the sole discretion of the Company. Any events disclosed to and vetted by the Company in advance of your membership or as part of your membership application process shall not be later deemed a disciplinary issue subject to suspension or termination pursuant to this paragraph.

24. Reservation of Rights. Company reserves the rights to remove you from the Program or Services for cause (i.e. revoke Membership), whether a breach of this contract, or the occurrence of any item in the foregoing paragraph, an act of misfeasance against the Company, a representative of the company or a participant of the membership (or any other of Company’s events or group programs), or other inappropriate action, which may include any action which causes a disturbance amongst the group, disrupts the Program or Services, or otherwise negatively impacts the experience of others participating in any program or Services offered by the Company. You may also be removed from the Program or Services if you become difficult to work with or if you cease to follow the Program requirements or guidelines. Such a determination shall be made solely by Company, and you will be provided written notice of default, and removed without refund.

25. Termination. Company shall have the right to cancel your Program Services at any time if you breach these terms or fail to abide by the Membership Code of Conduct, below.

26. Survival. Certain provisions of this Agreement (including all provisions related to Confidential Information and Trade Secrets) shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

27. Governing Law. This Agreement and any action related thereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its choice of law principles. The parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in federal and state courts sitting in Los Angeles County, California.

28. Dispute Resolution & Binding Arbitration. In the event of a dispute arising under or relating to this Agreement, the Program or Services (each, a “Dispute”), either party may elect to finally and exclusively resolve the dispute: first, by confidential mediation, to be conducted by a mutually selected, qualified neutral, third-party attorney/mediator located in the city of Los Angeles, California, which mediation may occur in-person, online (via webcams), or telephonically, and shall be scheduled within 60 days of either party providing the other with a request to mediate; second, by confidential, binding arbitration governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”). Any election to arbitrate, at any time, shall be final and binding on the other party. IF EITHER PARTY CHOOSES ARBITRATION, NEITHER PARTY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE SUCH CLAIM IN COURT OR TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL. DISCOVERY AND APPEAL RIGHTS MAY ALSO BE LIMITED IN ARBITRATION. All disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator whose decision shall be final except for a limited right of appeal under the FAA. Any court in Los Angeles County with jurisdiction may enforce the arbitrator’s award. The arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online and shall be conducted by a qualified JAMS or similarly experienced arbitrator. If conducted in person, the arbitration shall take place in Los Angeles, California, at such location selected by the Company. The prevailing party shall be awarded their attorneys fees and coasts. The parties may litigate in court to compel arbitration, to stay proceeding pending arbitration, or to confirm, modify, vacate, or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator. In addition, we may litigate in court to seek injunctive relief.


29. Death or Incapacity of Member. In the event of the Member’s death or incapacitation during the Term, the Member’s spouse shall be entitled to complete the remainder of the Member’s Term. In the event the Member is unmarried at the time of death or incapacitation, the Member’s children, in order of age, followed by a designated third-party, collectively, the “Successor” including the Member’s spouse) shall be entitled to complete the remainder of the Member’s Term. Furthermore, no Successor shall have the right to become a Member or be entitled to Membership Renewal unless and until they are fully vetted and approved by the Membership Committee, as determined in the sole discretion of the Company.

30. Force Majeure. If a party is prevented from fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement for one of the following reasons beyond the party’s reasonable control, including due to a national environmental or military emergency, such as fire, flood, explosion, war, strike, embargo, government regulation, or civil or military authority, or acts or omissions of carriers, transmitters, providers, vandals, or hackers (a “force majeure event”), the time for that party’s performance will be extended for the period of the delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence; provided, however, that You will not be excused from payment of any sums of money owed by you to the Company; and provided further, however, that if a party suffering a force majeure event is unable to cure that event within ninety (90) days, the other party may terminate this Agreement.

31. Construction. This Agreement shall be construed fairly and not interpreted for or against either party. Any remedies available to the Company, including any set forth in this Agreement, are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights or remedies available to it at law or in equity.

32. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the respective parties hereto, their successors, heirs, representatives, and permitted assigns.

33. Privacy. You consent to the Privacy Policy found at www.innerfifth.com. If you attend any Company live event, you agree that any third-party vendor involved in the event [ticket sales, event facility registration, etc] may share your personal identifying information with the Company to allow us to serve you and other event attendees with the proper products and services, in accordance with our posted Privacy Policy.
Waiver. The waiver by either party of any breach or default in performance shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other or succeeding breach or default. The failure of any party to enforce any of the provisions herein shall not be construed to be a waiver of the right of such party thereafter to enforce such provisions.

34. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, is held to be invalid and unenforceable, then the remainder of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect, and the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision.

35. Voidability. This Agreement cannot be voided by not logging in to the Member or Program website, where applicable, by not accessing or using the Services as delivered, by not attending the Program, or in any other way attempting to avoid viewing or taking delivery of the Program or Services as outlined. These actions will not void your Agreement or permit you the right to a refund.

36. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding and agreement of the parties relating to the Program or Services purchased, and any and all prior agreements, understandings, and representations, whether express or implied, written or oral, regarding the Program or Services, are of no further force and effect. You may receive a copy of this Agreement at any time by emailing the Company at members@innerfifth.com and requesting a copy of your “Program Terms of Purchase.”
Contact. If you have any questions regarding this Agreement or any aspect of our services, please contact the Company at members@innerfifth.com.

© 2015 – 2024 by The Legal Website Warrior® (www.LegalWebsiteWarrior.com). All Rights Reserved. DO NOT DUPLICATE THESE TERMS OF PURCHASE (OR ANY PORTION THEREOF). THIS CONSTITUTES COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

Membership Code of Conduct

The InnerFifth Membership is an elite membership for women entrepreneurs and allies and is built on the 4 C’s: Coherence, Clarity, Conversations and Confidentiality.

All members are required to accept the InnerFifth Code of Conduct and agree to the following prior to submitting a member application.


Committed to Creating Unapologetic Wealth for Yourself, and All of the Other Members in InnerFifth.
Wealth creation is encouraged in this group. We are supportive of you creating wealth in all areas of your life; abundance is our mantra. We share our contacts and our hearts to support each other and ourselves to hit every milestone we establish.

Confidentiality is KEY.
Discretion above all – This is a completely safe space for sharing as a private community. Confidentiality is taken seriously. You agree to absolute confidentiality in accordance with the terms above.

What you hear here, stays here. Period.
We are cultivating a community where we can thrive in transparency, vulnerability, and connection. In order to do so, you agree to operate in a confidential manner. Not to repeat what you have heard here. *There will be many NO CELL PHONE zones throughout the events as we want to protect our space during vulnerable hotseats, etc.

To Serve vs. To Be Served
You agree to lead with a giving spirit, always with the intention of “how I can be of contribution?” first.

Attendance: “We show up“
You agree to attend at least one live annual event and the bi-weekly InnerFifth breakthrough sessions. Space is limited. Integrity and Intention is everything, if you are going to invest in your growth we expect you to show up and be present in the co-creation of this next chapter – it’ll require you to be in attendance.

The Rolodex : “Our network is our net worth”
You agree to add to our member directory and fully utilize the resources provided supporting our InnerFifth Women and Members in business. Member connections and leads is the InnerFifth currency.

No Soliciting
However, we do fully encourage you to work within our network to help elevate one another. You are making an agreement to not hard-sell anyone into anything.

Leave your politics and personal agenda at the door.
Save the Drama for your mama.

There is a zero-tolerance policy for any gossip about InnerFifth members. (If two or more members file complaints about your conduct, you will be asked to leave without a refund.)

I agree that if accepted into the InnerFifth Membership Program, I am bound by the Code above during the term of my participation in the Company’s Services, which I have read and understood. I am aware that violating or failing to abide by any of these rules is grounds for dismissal from the InnerFifth Membership Program and/or related forum(s) or communities.