A curated membership for growth-oriented entrepreneurs.

“Rules of the Road”

Personal Board of Directors Meet Ups

Intention Setting Worksheet

Hey Friends,

You have joined InnerFifth to push your personal boundaries, make like-minded friends with entrepreneurial peers, push the limits of who you thought possible as your future self, and learn how to create meaningful, focused intentions, all with a commitment to creating an even more expanded life of greatness. To do that, you must set yourself up for success by holding yourself accountable with your peers to stretch beyond what you thought possible, even as recently as six months ago.

Our time is valuable.

We must spend our time in our zone of genius. Protect our time by finding the right “Who’s” to take on those areas of our life that we are treading water. Our investment in ourselves is finding the right people for the roles that are not nourishing us or moving us closer to our future selves. This will give us more time in our calendar and more freedom to explore things we have not made time to explore.

We have learned that where we spend our time and money expands, especially if it is measurable.

We want measurable results. What does “measurable” mean, you ask? Let’s go through a ‘for example’ so you can think about how you want to measure your performance in each area of focus.

Let’s say you have been experiencing low energy, lack of sleep, and general fatigue. You intend to feel healthier and feel better in your body every day.

Pick ONE way you can do that.

Let’s decide that “feeling better” means getting 8 hours of sleep at least five nights a week. The first step is to set the intention. Feeling good in your body is your intention. The focus area is a commitment to getting 8 hours of sleep, 5 or more times a week.

Invest (money) in an Oura ring
Spend time thinking about wanting to get more sleep.
Measure how much sleep you get a night (on average) and write it down daily. Reflect on your day before you head to bed.

Think about how you felt in your body.

Were you dragging or excelling?

How did you feel during your day? Give yourself kudos at the end of each day if you hit your goals (confidence building). 

The confidence of starting to see change will bring momentum to all other areas in your life.

Your PBOD (Personal Board of Directors)

Your PBOD requires you to meet for at least 1.5 hours monthly as a group.

For best results on attendance, set the PBOD meeting schedule to be on the same day, same time, each month. Like church (or the gym), you are committing to your group so you will not miss the time. This is about investing in yourself. You have committed yourself to making meaningful change. Once you lock in your PBOD time slot, keep your promise to be on time and show up.

Here’s how to run your personal board of directors meeting:

Each person should come prepared to the PBOD call with your intention worksheet filled out and ranking/score per area.

Meeting kick-off 

Be on time for your PBOD – respect yourself, hold your commitment, and be prompt to the call.

Select a timekeeper for the PBOD meeting

This person should manage the meeting based on a prompt start time and end to each meeting.

2-minute clock: kick-off

Start the meeting with each person giving a positive focus experience or story that has taken place between sessions – this should not be longer than 2 minutes per person.

Once everyone has shared their positive focus, move to the intention worksheet share.

Start the clock

15 minutes per person to share their Intention Worksheet reflections and goals.

Worksheet share

Pick one area of focus to set for yourself for the next month out of the four areas you are working on.

In that one area, be specific and hold yourself accountable by sharing
the following:

1. What is the way you want to feel if you change your relationship to this area (i.e., feeling healthier)

2. Goal to create that feeling (i.e., getting 8 hours of sleep, per week, for a minimum of 5 days)

3. The specific way you will measure (Oura ring and journal daily)

4. How you will spend money or time to commit to making that goal a reality (buy an Oura ring and journal)

5. Write it down and pick a buddy in the group to keep you on track for the month.

6. Then rotate to the next person, spending 10 minutes each with 5 minutes of Q&A per person. 

The goal is not to give advice, but to listen, ask questions, and share experiences.

Simply listen

Simply listen, capture notes for the person, and provide win and loss, a safe space to hear and discuss.

Pick one focus

Pick ONE thing to focus on improving or working on for the month – that is measurable –and tell the group how you plan to focus on it, what you want to do to move the needle, and how you will measure it.

From this meeting, pair off with one person from the group. Each person should have a ‘partner’ between PBOD as their accountability partner. Get each other’s cell numbers and determine when you will text or call to check-in.

There should be a weekly (or daily) text check-in or call to hold a few minutes of convo around support on the topic they pick as the one thing to focus on for the month.

Agree to participate in your PBOD for at least six months; each member can ‘re-up’ to continue if the group chooses to continue the practice or be paired with new members every six months.

High Five.
